Let's get Amy Gillett Bikeway delivered

Published on 30 August 2023

As a community we’ve been pushing for funding to ensure the next stage of the Amy Gillett bikeway is delivered – taking it from Mount Torrens to Birdwood, and then ultimately to Mount Pleasant.

Delivering the next stage of this project is something I know so many locals are passionate about, and I was delighted to see the former Liberal Government list it as a priority in the 2022-2023 cycling strategy for South Australia.

Funding of $2.6 million sits on the table from the former Federal Liberal Government and finally, after months of street corner and community meetings, parliamentary speeches and putting our case to relevant ministers I’m pleased to say the hard work has paid off and that the State Government has finally now matched that $2.6 million.

This is a good result because initially it was looking like a “no” from the State Government who claimed the next 6km stage would cost nearly $12 million! Thankfully that cost is now being revised.

However, despite the good news of some State funding, it does come with some caveats, which means there could still be a long way to go. The new $2.6m from the State is conditional on the Adelaide Hills Council also matching the funding and taking over maintenance of the entire bikeway.

It’ll be up to Council to decide their position, and we need all spheres of government to work together in good faith to get this done!

As I have said multiple times in the State Parliament – including just last week - delivering this project is in the best interests of our region as a whole and it is too good an opportunity to fall by the wayside. It’s great for tourism, cyclists and the Hills community.

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